Under the Willow

Friday, April 18, 2014

Real Terrarium

A while back I made some fake terrariums, but I have wanted to buy some real succulents forever so I finally decided to go for it.

First get some clear glass containers.  Succulents need open containers because they prefer less humidity and drier soil.  If you want a closed terrarium then you need to research what types of plants would thrive in a more humid environment.

Add pebbles or something so there is good drainage.

Then add activated carbon to keep it smelling fresh.   This is probably more important with a closed terrarium but I did it anyway.

I then put in a layer of moss to try to keep the soil from sifting down to the bottom.

Last add soil and succulents.

I'm excited to see if this works!

I couldn't fit all four succulents in the glass containers so I put this one in a flower pot by itself.

1 comment:

  1. Let me know how it goes because I was thinking of putting some plants in my classroom next year and thought succulents would be good (low maintenance).
