Under the Willow

Monday, February 3, 2014

January is Gone

This year already seems to be going fast.  I have started to look at things I want to plant this spring and projects I want to do once the weather warms up.  I can't help but get excited for spring flowers!  My husband and I have been planning for a few vacations over the next several months.  But over all I am trying not to get too far ahead of myself since there is still a lot of winter left, and I still struggle to keep up with regular everyday chores, do I really need to add more to my list?  

While I didn't really make any new years resolutions, I am always trying to focus on being healthier.  I mean, I'm not getting any younger, so I need to act now to ensure a healthier future.  Right?  And while I've posted about the cold making me lazy (totally the truth) I have been working on eating healthier, which is hit or miss, and having a more active lifestyle, which is hard when you are stuck in hibernation mode.  My Husband and I have been doing Insanity for a little over a week.  And when I say "doing" I mean watching the people on tv doing the exercises and yelling at them because it is too hard!  But when it hurts to walk, stand up, or sit down the next day we must be doing something.  I have been catching up on doctors appointments and checking things off my list.  Also I have registered to run a 3K in March and a 5K in April.  If anyone has some motivation just laying around that they could send my way, I need it!!  Spring and Summer are just around the corner, hopefully that will be some motivation for everyone.  

So here is to everyone being a little healthier everyday.  

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